The Babies are Growing

Ben and Emma are 1 week old today and still doing very well. They’ve both grown between an inch and an inch and half (so that would make them between 19-19.5 inches long), and they both weigh 5 lbs 6oz.We visit them as often as we can; we try to go 2-3 times a day, and since they’ve started feeding with a bottle we try to go during their feeding times. Most of the time Ben is almost sleeping and we have to try to keep him awake long enough to eat. Emma on the other hand takes care of business. After she’s done devouring her meal we hardly have to burp her because she does it on her own.

And more good news…we have poop! Thanks to everyone who prayed for it. I feel sorry for the nurse who had to change Emma’s diaper; i heard it was epic. One nurse described it as an explosion. All of the nurses who have taken care of them have complimented Ben and Emma and told how us how content and pleasant they are and most are still shocked by their size. Honestly, I still look at them and can’t imagine how they fit in my belly at the same time. Every nurse that has taken care of them has been wonderful and they really do a great job of keeping us informed and answering all of our questions.

So we’re still making good progress and looking forward to them coming home soon. Here are are few pictures from the last visit with Honey and Pop.

6 thoughts on “The Babies are Growing

  1. Congratulations, Jay and Danielle. I have been following the twins progress on the blog, but after seeing that smile on Debbie’s face while holding Ben, I just had to send a comment. She just loves those babies. I hope and pray that all continues to go well and that you get those prescious little ones home really soon so that Honey can get on with spoiling them. Elaine (Debbie’s friend from Lafayette…aka NanE)


  2. Glad to hear they are improving! What is in the tube that is in their noses? Jay’s hand looks HUGE next to Ben!


  3. We are so thankful to see the progress the twins are making. I am sure the reason they are content is because they know how much they are loved. Nonna&Papa


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